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AI tools for marketing

This page it's your go-to destination for discovering awesome AI tools to improve your marketing efforts and productivity. From creating copies to optimizing campaigns and personalizing customer experiences to analyzing data for actionable insights.


For optimizing website to generate revenue

Mutiny is a no-code AI platform that helps marketers convert their top of funnel demand into revenue, without engineers. You can personalize your website for every target segment and even edit and publish the copy with AI suggestions.


For creating awesome content from webinars

Sequel helps you turn webinars and live events into engaging content in seconds.


To help writers improve the quality and effectiveness of their writing.

Jasper uses NLP to analyze the text and provide feedback on some areas like tone, readability, and structure. Helping writers to improve overall quality of the content.


To increase organic traffic

Surfer analyzes over 300,000 words across the Internet when generating the article. In fact, Surfer AI sifts through around 100,000 words just to craft your personalized outline!

Obs: they say it is like reading an entire Harry Potter Book!


The full-stack generative AI platform

Writer increases teams productivity by delivering high-quality output and accurate insights, combining LLMs, NLP, and ML with the brand to build AI into all the business processes.


To gather testimonials

With Senja you can create high-converting testimonial collection forms and share it anywhere. Offer rewards. Send thank yous. With Senja you'll collect twice as many testimonials.


To answer questions from a specific domain

Super useful for competitive intelligence

Perplexity provides an AI-powered search engine that can answer questions and provide information on any topic


To write post drafts for you for LinkedIn based on your interests in your own tone

Taplio helps to create content more quickly and also automate different call to action options on posts to drive more engagement.


To track insights across the web

Feedly uses a collection of machine learning models to help researchers and analysts gather and share actionable insights. You won’t need to spend hours doing researches


To create engaging interactive demos and guides

The engaging demos act as step-by-step visual guides for users, helping them understand and learn about a particular feature, benefit, or best practice. Users can go through these demos at their own pace, actively engaging with the content and learning by doing. Check Supademo. For brainstorming is designed to be a kind and supportive companion that can be used for all kinds of things:

  • Conversation: Have a problem you’re noodling on? can help you think through it.
  • Advice: Trying to decide between two options? Ask
  • Creativity: can help create poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, and probably more

Sphinx Mind

Your AI Marketing Assistant. Revolutionize your marketing with AI and Sphinx Mind. Seamlessly integrate with various marketing platforms and leverage tools for reporting, charts, website analytics, tag inspections, link checks, and more. Check Sphinx Mind.

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